Olivier Melnick

Olivier Melnick

Olivier Melnick was raised in a secular Jewish family in Paris. After meeting Ellen, his future wife, and reading a book on prophecy that she had given him, Olivier began a search which led him to believe in Yeshua (Jesus) as his Savior. Olivier married Ellen, and soon after they settled in the United States where they felt an increasing burden to reach Jewish people for Yeshua.

Olivier has a Bachelor’s Degree in Jewish Studies from Moody Bible Institute. He is a bold evangelist and enjoys communicating God’s Word. His desire is to help Christians understand the Jewish roots of the faith and he hopes to train many to be effective in Jewish evangelism. His passion is to see Jewish people throughout the world receive Yeshua as their promised Messiah.

Olivier is the author of They Have Conspired Against You, a book on the rebirth of worldwide anti-Semitism and how to fight it, as well as the novel The Rabbi’s Triad, an evangelistic thriller. He is also an accomplished artist and has used his God-given talent in several of Chosen People Ministries’ publications and evangelistic materials. Olivier serves as the Chosen People Ministries Northwest Regional Director. He also serves on the Board of Directors of Chosen People France. He and Ellen have two children, J.D. and Klaire.