Join Bob Morris as he teaches through the Minor Prophets– on video for the first time. We hope to be able to post a new class every Monday. Upon completion, this series will replace the original audio series of the same name. Please note: this course is only available ONLINE.
The two titles, “THE MINOR PROPHETS” or “THE TWELVE,” alternate as the name for a collection of writings from the pens of 12 prophets: Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi.
“The Twelve” is the traditional Jewish title of the collection while the “Minor Prophets” originated with the Latin Vulgate translation. The term “minor” in the title does not reflect upon the importance of the books in contrast to the prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, and Ezekiel, but rather upon their much smaller size. Indeed, the ultimate author of “The Twelve,” the God of the Universe, is the same for all the prophetic writings, thereby providing these short books with equal quality, authority, validity, and power.
The period of the Minor Prophets was a time of “strife and disappointment, as prophet after prophet begged and warned, foretold and chastised” a wayward nation. However, “The Twelve” did not leave Israel with a message of hopeless judgment and defeat. In contrast, the prophets censured the present but looked far beyond and held out to Israel the promise of the Messianic Kingdom and the coming glorious Messiah.
Join us for a lifechanging examination of God’s Word.
Download Class Notes & Resources
Hermeneutical approach
Hosea Class Notes
Hosea Handouts
Joel Class Notes
Joel Handouts
Amos Class Notes
Amos Handouts
Obadiah Class Notes
Obadiah Handouts
Jonah Class Notes
Jonah Handouts
Micah Class Notes
Micah Handouts
Nahum Class Notes
Nahum Handouts
Habakkuk Class Notes
Habakkuk Handouts
Zephaniah Class Notes
Zephaniah Handouts
Haggai Class Notes
Haggai Handouts
Zechariah Class Notes
Zechariah Handouts
Malachi Class Notes
Malachi Handouts
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Special Presentations
This week we invite you to explore two new special presentations by Bob Morris. Jesus is Coming Again and Jesus is the Prophet The Minor Prophets class will resume next Monday as Bob begins to study the book of Joel.
It’s Just Begun to Hurt – Mark 13:1-8
This week please enjoy a special presentation by Bob on the signs of the closing of the age. Next week the minor prophets study will resume with the book of Nahum. Its Only Begun to Hurt Outline