Because Adam and Eve disobeyed God, they became subject to spiritual death (separation from God) and physical death. Since all human beings are descended from Adam and Eve, they inherit from them a sin nature, commit sins, and die. If we die physically in a state of spiritual death, spiritual death becomes permanent, and we are separated from God forever.
However, because God is gracious and loves us, His judgment upon Adam and Eve (and their descendents) was followed by a promise: He would send a Messiah, One who would reverse the effects of the fall and ultimately enable us to be free from the curse of death. In the Old Testament, God included a number of “messianic prophesies.” These are passages that predict the coming of the Messiah, and give us important information that enable us to recognize Him. A careful study of these prophesies shows that only one person in history fulfilled all of them: Jesus of Nazareth.
Messianic prophecy is valuable for a number of reasons. As we mentioned above, they enable us to determine the identity of the true Messiah. They also prove that the Bible is the Word of God, for only God could have known in advance, and with such detail and accuracy, events that would occur centuries after they were predicted. Messianic prophecy is also a valuable tool in witnessing. Demonstrating to the unbeliever that the Hebrew prophets made astounding predictions about Jesus far in advance of His coming can help to convince them that He truly is the Messiah.
This course will involve an in depth study of the messianic prophecies related to the first coming of the Messiah. In order to correctly understand these prophesies, it is first necessary to be able to accurately interpret the Bible. And, in order to correctly interpret the Bible, we must first understand certain fundamental truths about it. Therefore, the course will begin with a study of the Bible as the inspired, infallible Word of God, followed by a study in how to correctly interpret the Bible, and then a study of the meaning and fulfillment of the messianic prophecies.
The course will enable the members of the class to identify the messianic prophecies, correctly interpret them, use them in witnessing, and defend them against those who deny their truth. Join us as we study the prophecies that confirm that Jesus is the Savior of the world who died for our sins that we might be reconciled to God.
Download Class Notes:
Student Notes Part 1 (PDF format)
Student Notes Part 2 (PDF format)
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