…the dimensions, decorations, and rituals of the Tabernacle take up the better part of the books of Exodus and Leviticus, and make up a large part of the content of the Torah. Comprising such a large part of the Law’s content, these texts demand serious theological interpretation and application. In figurative terms they cry out Darsheni, ‘Explain me.’ Pinchas Giller, The Jerusalem Report, February 20, 1997
This series concentrates on Chapters 25-30 of the Book of Exodus exploring both the original construction and importance of Israel’s Tabernacle in the wilderness as well as its Messianic significance. Pastor Robert Morris, will take you through the texts from a Jewish perspective. The series will unfold the original instructions given to Israel and the New Covenant truths they portray. Finally, you will learn how these truths relate to Believers today. The Tabernacle course is designed to enhance your understanding of this significant portion of the Bible, to deepen your understanding of Jesus and His priestly work on the behalf of Believers, and to strengthen your walk with the designer of the Tabernacle, The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. You will find yourself better equipped to share the Messiahship of Jesus with your Jewish friends, relatives, co-workers, and neighbors.
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Messiah and the Tabernacle (PDF format)
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