The Bible is clear about our relationship to the Jewish people. As early as Genesis 12, God makes a covenant with the Jewish people through Abraham. God’s “foreign policy” as it comes to Israel is clear when He says: “I will bless him who blesses you and I will curse them who curse you”.

The best way to bless the Jewish people is by giving them the gift of the Gospel. But we must realize that sharing our faith with Jewish people requires different approaches and methods.

The “Jewish Outreach Class” is designed to equip believers to share with their Jewish friends and family members in a sensitive yet non-compromising way. Topics for this 10 session class will include:

  • A Brief Survey of Jewish History
  • Jewish Demographics
  • Who Are The Jewish People? (who is a Jew, Gentile, Christian, Messianic Jew, Spiritual Jew and more)
  • The Gospel to the Jewish People: Why?
  • The Gospel to the Jewish People: How? (Misconceptions, Objections, Unacceptable Doctrines)
  • Messianic Prophecies
  • Gospel Presentation from the Tanakh
  • Terminology
  • Role playing

Class Notes Accompany Each Session’s Audio

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