Christianity is completely futile if Jesus didn’t live, die, and rise again. But what is the proof that Jesus really did exist? How can we know He actually was the Son of God? Did He believe it Himself or was divinity merely attributed to Him through legendary historical developments? Did Jesus uniquely match the identity of the prophesied coming Messiah? What evidence do we have for the Resurrection?
These questions and many others arise when considering the most compelling and influential man in history. Apologetics helps both the Christian and non-Christian alike determine answers concerning the central figure of Christianity. By studying the historical background, extra-biblical sources, and all available first century evidence, one can be intellectually convinced and even confident that Jesus not only existed, but was actually the Son of God, who rose again from the dead.
Join us for this 6-week study as we investigate the overwhelming evidence revealing the most important life (and afterlife) of all.
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Jesus Apologetics Class Notes
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