In the first half of Ezekiel the glory of God departed from Jerusalem because of the sins of the people as they desecrated God’s temple. His glory departed from the Holy of Holies, to the threshold of the temple, to above the cherubim in Ezekiel’s vision, to the Eastern gate of Jerusalem, to the Mount of Olives outside the city from where Christ eventually ascended into heaven and to where He will return. It was a gradual departure as God was still giving the people time to repent before the Babylonians would destroy the temple, the city and carry the people off into captivity. God is patient and longsuffering even in our sin. The second half of Ezekiel’s prophecy is God’s glory descending upon His covenant people demonstrating He is a faithful God who is always true to His word. His promises are sure and steadfast as we will see what God is doing and will yet be doing for His people Israel. You will be studying current and future events that may soon be unfolding in the Middle East.
- June 27 He’s Got the Whole World in His Hand: Ez. 25:1–32:32
- July 4 The Legacy of Lucifer: Ez. 28:11-19 (no class but full manuscript provided)
- July 11 When Spiritual Leaders Fail: Ez. 33:1–34:10
- July 17 Can These Bones Live: Ez. 35:1-37:28
- July 25 The Invasion of Israel by Gog and Magog: Ez. 38:1-23
- August 1 Does the Battle of Gog-Magog Go Nuclear: Ez. 39:1-29
- August 8 The Glory of God in Messiah’s Temple: Ezekiel 40;1-43:27
- August 15 The Worship of God in Messiah’s Temple: Ez. 44:1- 46:24
- August 22 The Millennial Holy Land: Ez. 47:1-48:35
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Ezekiel: When the Glory of God Descends – Session 2
Ezekiel Week 15 Notes (PDF format)
Ezekiel Week 15 Manuscript (PDF format)