Our current Western world has lofted up Science as the sole authority and gatekeeper of truth. But does science rule out Christianity? Is the physical world all that there is, or is there more? How are we to understand the evolution vs. intelligent design debate? Can science actually prove God’s existence?
These questions and others will be addressed in this exciting new class. Here is an opportunity for you to know how Christianity and Science are compatible realms and how scientific study can actually strengthen your faith, not hinder it. Specific topics include naturalism, scientism, quantum physics, classical physics, astrophysics, bio-chemistry, young vs. old earth creationism, and more.
Christians need to reclaim the intellectual influence in the western world that we lost. We must understand the philosophy of science and the results of current scientific research better if we are to reach our friends who maintain the authority of science.
The class is meant for both the Christian and non-Christian who hopes to deepen his understanding of why and how Christians believe the things they do. Apologetics is the study of how and why the Christian faith is grounded in truth through reason and evidence which brings down the walls of unbelief, uncertainty and skepticism. Apologetics allows one to have direct access to Jesus by removing intellectual barriers, bringing down the walls we have installed so we can see Jesus face to face.
Download Class Notes:
Scientific Apologetics Class Notes (PDF format)
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