Throughout its history the nation of Judah had 8 righteous kings in 344 years of existence with a combined rule of 224 years. Their godly leadership produced a blessed nation of freedom, prosperity, justice and peace—not unlike the United States.
When Judah reached the height of her glory she began to wallow in pride and rebellion against God. Her sins are spelled out in Isaiah 6: greed, drunkenness, hedonism, blasphemy, ungodly influence, calling evil good and good evil, intellectual pride, corruption, injustice through bribes. Does this not sound like America today?
God raised up Ezekiel to confront their stubborn rebellion. Our nation today needs prophets like Ezekiel who are fearless in butting heads with the culture. This 18 week study will be divided into two sections: “When the glory of the Lord departs” (1-24) and “When the glory of the Lord descends” (25-48).
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