Shalom Dear Friends,
When our deadline of July 1, 2011 arrived we were still six students short of the minimum number needed, so we had to cancel the study tour. We are trusting that the Lord knows best.
Last month we briefly overviewed the “Romans” section of our study (Daniel 2:32-45, 7:23-27). This month we will conclude the overview by examining the second half of our study that dealt with the “Russians” (Ezekiel 38:1 – 39:16).
The importance of these chapters lies in the fact that prophetic chronological markers indicate that this invasion of Israel is the next major prophetic event we should expect to see. Some events such as the Rapture do not contain chronological indicators. That is not the case with the Russian Invasion of Israel.
Ezekiel begins a new revelation in 38:1. He is to prophesy against Gog (a political title) and the lands of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal. All of these tribal territories are connected with Russia today. While commentators disagree, some see “Rosh” as the root word for Russia, “Meschech” as the root for the name of Russia’s capital, Moscow, and Tubal as the root of the name for Siberia’s capital, Tobolsk. In addition to these textual connections to Russia, the Jewish community has traditionally connected the invasion with the Messiah and the approach of the Russian navy.
Gog will lead an immense, well equipped coalition army against Israel. The major allies of this coalition are named in verses 5-6: Persia (modern Iran), Cush (modern North Sudan), Put (either modern Somalia or Libya), Gomer (modern Germany or the Ukraine) and Togarmah (modern Turkey or Armenia). In verses 6 and 15, the invasion is stated to originate in the “remote parts of the North.” Russia lies north of Israel from the Caucasus mountains all the way to the Barents Sea. That is about as far as you can travel north by land.
The timing of the invasion is revealed in Ezekiel 38:8, “after many days” and “in the latter years.” In other words, the time frame is eschatological…the end of the age…the end times. That is the times we are living in now according to the Olivet Discourse. Exactly when during the “Last Days” will be revealed in 39:9.
Ezekiel 38:8 likewise reveals the object of the invasion—the Land of Israel. Uttered some 2,500 years ago, the description of Israel is stunning in its accuracy. The Land is “restored from the sword”; that is, restored from military conquest. The Jewish people are back in our homeland after being exiled by the Roman armies. The people are “gathered from many nations.” The Jewish people have returned from 90 different nations. We are now beginning to populate the “mountains of Israel,” that is the central mountain range called the West Bank today which indeed lay desolate for some 2,000 years. The Israelis are dwelling in confidence (the word does not mean security as it is often translated).
In vss. 38:9-12, the invasion is described as massive and for the purpose Gog’s enrichment and national prestige. The reason Gog resolves to attack Israel is found in a very short but immensely important phrase. Israel is described as dwelling “at the center of the world.” That phrase indicates that Israel will be a very influential (if not the most influential) nation on the planet when this invasion takes place. Today Israel’s influence and impact on world affairs is steadily increasing.
An incredible revelation bursts forth in vs. 38:13. A number of nations are described as protesting the invasion. Amazingly they include two Arab nations: Sheba (modern Yemen) and Dedan (modern Saudi Arabia), as well as Spain and the nations that were founded by Spain (the nations of Central and most of South America and the Caribbean). North America could possibly be part of the objection as well. The saddest part of the complaint lies in the fact that these nations grumble, but do nothing. They are either unwilling or unable (or both) to do anything more than criticize. Israel will not be delivered by the hand of man, but obviously by the hand of God.
Apparently the invasion experiences success as it reaches the mountains of Israel, and seems to be heading for Jerusalem. The mountains of Israel consist of the hills of Samaria and Judea. Please note that when this invasion occurs, Israel will be in possession of the “West Bank.” If a Palestinian State is founded on Israel’s mountains in the near future, it will be temporary.
In vss. 17-23, in His wrath, God personally promises to destroy the invading coalition on the mountains of Israel using a massive earthquake, disease, torrential rain, hail, fire, brimstone and civil war among the coalition partners.
As the revelation moves to chapter 39, much of the previous information is repeated, however new facets of the prophecy are brought to light. Not only is the coalition army destroyed, but in verse 39:6 God rains down destruction on Magog and possibly the other countries who contributed soldiers, material, and weapons to Gog’s military machine.
In 39:9-10 military equipment destroyed on the mountains of Israel will provide the Israelis with seven years worth of fuel. This is very timely because it will take years to recover from this invasion and the gigantic earthquake that contributed to its demise. There will be a severe shortage of fuel. God will care for His people using the very resources intended to bring about their destruction. The seven years of burning is a chronological marker that leads us to believe that this invasion will occur before the Tribulation period.
More new information follows in vss. 39:11-16. It will take seven months for the Israelis and special teams to bury the remains of the coalition soldiers. The remains appear to be interred in a special graveyard called “Hamon-gog” located in the Jordan Valley just north of the Dead Sea. In addition, a city will be in the vicinity named “Hamonah.”
Through this incredible set of circumstances, God’s purposes will be accomplished. He will be glorified and sanctified in Israel and around the world (38:23, 39:7). In other words, Jewish and Gentile atheism will suffer a severe blow when God delivers His people from an impossible situation.
Thanks for being part of our ministry team.