October 2014

שלום חברים
Shalom Dear Friends,


Walking on Water
There is a ministry we would like to bring to your attention this month called “Walking on Water.” Some of you may have seen the powerful film they recently produced entitled, Promised Land. From their website:

Promised Land is a unique look at the Middle East through the lives of two friends from different faiths brought together by their love of the oceans that separate them. www.promisedlandthemovie.com

The director, Todd Morehead, has been connected with HaDavar for quite some time, and was a former student here. Todd has led quite a few trips to Israel and founded a very unique surfing ministry in the Land. Through HaDavar, God has developed in Todd a passion for Israel and Jewish ministry—and for promoting the truth about the modern state of Israel’s connection to God’s promises in scripture. A fascinating quote about this film’s impact was made in the media:


“Surfer film producers doing more for the cause of peace in the Middle East than decades of political wrangling and cross-border missiles”


– KUSI San Diego news anchor Tom Jordan.

Reflecting back on his favorite premiere, Todd writes:

The first premiere was held in Ashdod at a packed-out theatre with a 100% Jewish crowd. The Mayor of Ashdod came to give his support for the movie along with his entourage of government employees. As the movie played, the audience was enthralled by the story and cinematic quality and when it ended the entire theater erupted in applause. Many people, including the mayor, came up to me thanking me for making a movie that blesses Israel and shows the beautiful side to the country and the people. Going into the evening unsure of how the film would be received by the Israeli surfing community, it took everything in me to hold back tears of joy as one Israeli after another shook hands with me, hugged me and thanked me…

Since its release in 2012, Promised Land has been screened to over 15,000 people in live attendance throughout the USA, Israel, Europe, and Asia, and won best film, best documentary and audience favorite at the 2012 ATTIC Film Festival. In addition, Promised Land was broadcast on nation-wide TV in Brazil.

Please be in prayer that God would continue to use the movie to reach Jews with the truth of Jesus and to assist the Church in learning about our Christian responsibility towards the Jewish people.

Springboarding from the success of Promised Land, Todd is developing a new film project in which he hopes to correct the misinformation regarding Christian Zionism. Here is what Todd had to say in his summer update about this upcoming project:

It’s been such a joy and privilege to continue to show the Promised Land movie… It’s so amazing and rewarding to watch people’s eyes and hearts open up to God’s love for the Jewish people. Unfortunately, not all Christians share this heart though, and there are many who do not believe the modern State of Israel is even remotely linked to the fulfillment of God’s promises to the Jewish people. In fact, to this date there are at least four anti-Israel Evangelical Christian documentaries made that have had wide spread ill effect in our churches.


God has laid it heavy on my heart to respond in truth to these movies… God has put me in a unique position working at Walking On Water and has given me a heart for the Jewish people for a reason, and I can’t ignore this, so I have prayerfully began working on a new movie.


The goal of this new movie is to share the truth of what is happening over in Israel and to build a bridge to our brothers and sisters in Christ who don’t see things the same way, in hope that they would begin to support the Jewish people living in Israel. My desire is for Christians to come away with love and support for Israelis, and also a love and compassion built on truth for the Palestinian people.

Please join with us in praying for and supporting Todd and his work with “Walking on Water.” His very unique platform of a surfing ministry in Israel has opened up a wonderful outreach opportunity that I’m sure God will use for His glory. At HaDavar we are so very grateful to God for letting us play a part in Todd’s life and ministry. His love for the Jewish people and Israel was spurred on by the Word of God while he was a student at HaDavar. It is gratifying to see one of our students moving on with such an amazing outreach.

Check out this interview Surfline magazine did with Todd recently: INTERVIEW: TODD MOREHEAD

For those who might be interested, here is a link to the Promised Land study guide. It can be purchased through the Walking on Water online store at: https://walkingonwaterstore.com/product/promise-land-study-guide/

Here’s the forward to the study guide:

It has been my experience that there are many Christians who have a desire to know more about Israel. Perhaps after watching the Promised Land movie you will, too. This study guide is a ‘crash course” in what the Bible says about who Israel is, why Israel is important, and our Christian responsibility toward Israel. It is my desire that through the study guide God will set your heart on fire, as He has mine, for the people who are referred to as the “apple of His eye.”

HaDavarniks, thank you for being part of our ministry team.

– Jeff