May 2011

Shalom Dear Friends,



Theme: In the Footsteps of the Messiah
Dates: October 30, 2011 to November 13, 2011
Study Tour Leader: Pastor Bob Morris
Tour size: 16 people plus 2 staff
Cost: $4,250.00 per person
Deadline for signup: July 1, 2011

We often describe our study tours in this manner, “Before you go to Israel, you read your Bible in black and white. After your trip, your Bible will suddenly be in full color and high definition.” Join us if you can.


Three months ago we began a short series dealing with Jewish evangelism. In February we explored the subject, “Why Don’t the Jews Get It?” which dealt with Jewish resistance to the Gospel. In March we examined the importance of Jewish evangelism. In April we talked about “The Great Omission,” dealing with why churches are ignoring Jewish evangelism. Since then it occurred to us that “The Great Omission” was true of churches who possess a basically negative view of the Jewish community. Please notice that we did not say “an anti-Semitic view of the Jewish community.” These churches would never send Jewish people to the gas chambers just because they are Jewish. However, under the excuses explained last month lurks a basically unfavorable view of Jewish people.

This month we want to extend our series by exploring why churches who possess a positive view of the Jewish community ignore Jewish evangelism as well. Sound paradoxical? You are correct. Jewish evangelism is ignored by churches on both sides. Jewish evangelism is ignored both by churches who are negatively disposed toward the Jewish community as well as by churches that are positively disposed toward the Jewish community. How can this be? In a one phrase summary: permissive “love” for the Jewish community. Four basic ideas permeate their thought. Again, in no particular order.

  1. We have no right to witness to the Jewish community because of Jewish suffering and “Christian” anti-Semitism. This excuse rationalizes away the force of Romans 1:16 in face of guilt and intimidation. Guilt, because Jewish people have endured persecution and suffering by the church. While it is true that some persecutors were genuine Christians, the vast majority were not. The vast majority simply wore a name tag emblazoned “Christian.” Their faith went no deeper than that. However, the Jewish community cannot tell the difference. IF someone says they are a Christian their claim is accepted at face value. Instead of denouncing “Christian” persecution these churches retreat into cringing, pathetic apology. Ironically, apology is an admission of guilt that actually reinforces and identifies the modern Christian with the ungodly acts of non-believers in the past. There is no need to apologize for the actions of others. You are not responsible for their anti-Semitism. Instead refute and denounce it. You are only responsible for your actions.

    You often hear these churches state that we must love and comfort the Jewish people instead of evangelizing them. While loving and comforting Jewish people is commendable it does not present the gift of eternal life. You can love and comfort them right into hell. You must graciously speak the truth too.

    Intimidation plays a role when Jewish people point their fingers at Christians and exclaim, “Look what you have done to us!” “Your persecution reveals that you are simply hypocrites.” “You can just keep that kind of ‘love!'” We are not to be intimidated by the past. Instead we must refute the past and do the absolutely most loving thing possible: present the Jewish person with the Gospel of the Messiah, the Kingdom and Eternal Life!

  2. There is no need to evangelize the Jewish people because they have their own covenant with God that saves them. The thinking here is that the Gentiles have the New Covenant and the Jews have the Mosaic Covenant. This heresy is called “Two Covenant Theology.” It denies the very words of the New Testament.

    Acts 4:12 – “And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved.”
    John 14:6 – “Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.'”

    The Jewish community likes to play to this belief by saying that Yeshua was the Savior of the Gentiles and Jews have their own path to God. This position is pure unbridled heresy. If Yeshua is not the Savior of the Jewish people then He is not the Savior of anybody.

  3. I will not be allowed to minister in Israel if I witness to the Jewish people. This position essentially makes the Land of Israel into a personal idol. These organizations refrain from witnessing because they are afraid they will be ejected from the country. As a result, they tend to be involved in relief and development ministries only. Now, there is nothing wrong with compassionate benevolence, but food and clothing will not get a Jewish person spiritually saved. Only the words of truth will do that. The Gospel must accompany the goodies.

    Romans 10:17 – “So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ.”

    Unfortunately, love of living in the Land of Israel overrides their love for the Messiah of Israel because they disobey His commandment to preach the Good News to His own people. That is idolatry in the heart (Ezekiel 14:3-7). Ironically, love of living in the Land of Israel also overrides their love for the Jewish people. Why? Because the most unloving thing you can do is deny them access to the source of salvation from sin and eternal life. If you would rather live in the Land than witness, then you love yourself more than the Israelis surrounding you. The most ironic part of this whole mindset is the fact that benevolence ministries can be accomplished from outside the Land. We must not compromise the proclamation of the Good News to Israel for any reason. If getting kicked out of the Land is the result of obedience, so be it.

  4. Belief that Rabbinic Judaism is a valid, God ordained faith. This is similar to point #2 but the rational is that Rabbinic Judaism is a path to salvation. This position denies Acts 4:12 and John 14:6 previously mentioned. However, this rational goes even further and hands invalid authority to the rabbis. One of the central tenets of Rabbinic Judaism, in all its forms, is that Yeshua is not the Messiah, never has been and never will be. Rabbinic Judaism is a man-made religion that possesses only the slightest connection to the Bible. It is a faith in merit, the Sages, and tradition. The rabbis do not possess an alternated path to salvation, truth, and eternal life. Do not be fooled.

In light of all this many will ask, “What practical action should I take today in order to obey Romans 1:16?” I will answer that question next month.

Thanks for being part of our ministry team.