Shalom Dear Friends,
Theme: In the Footsteps of the Messiah
Dates: October 30, 2011 to November 13, 2011
Study Tour Leader: Pastor Bob Morris
Tour size: 16 people plus 2 staff
Cost: $4,250.00 per person
Deadline for signup: July 1, 2011
We often describe our study tours in this manner, “Before you go to Israel, you read your Bible in black and white. After your trip, your Bible will suddenly be in full color and high definition.” Join us if you can. The deadline is just a month away and we need seven more students. If you want to sign up, now is the time.
This month we want to update you regarding changes that we expect will position HaDavar for the long term future. The future, in a phrase, is the digital world…digital media. HaDavar needs to increase our worldwide outreach through a better utilization of the new technologies on hand. The change is fueled by that concern. In addition, because the administrative work load at HaDavar has become too time consuming, Bob’s concentration on teaching was being eroded by administrative duties. He needed a full-time Administrative Assistant to share that load. The barrier was the lack of money to pay for such a position. Getting a full-time Administrative Assistant fell into the “Mission Impossible” category.
Exactly one year ago Bob decided to pray for the impossible. In the May 2010 issue of this newsletter, he asked all our newsletter readers to pray for a full-time Administrative Assistant. We are grateful to report that God has answered our prayers. Cynthia Esmond, a HaDavar student, came forward and asked if she could become Bob’s full-time volunteer Administrative Assistant. She was alerted to the need when she happened to re-read the one year old newsletter and has now become the answer to our prayers. Our God is the “God of the Impossible.”
After eight years of exemplary service with HaDavar, Chiara has decided to move on. With both regret and thanks we wish Chiara the absolute best for her future. Thanks Chi!!
The need for someone to manage and develop the digital media department will be filled by James Bianco on a permanent part-time basis. James has been involved with HaDavar for many years as one of our students. Welcome aboard James!
The world is going digital and mobile and that world can be reached for the Lord using computer technology. James will be able to increase our worldwide outreach through foreign languages, expanded Bible study articles, our ever growing in-depth Bible classes from a Jewish perspective and perhaps video classes. One “impossible” (we view that word differently now) goal would be to augment our physical school with a Virtual School of Biblical and Jewish Studies. A virtual school would be available to anyone anywhere in the world who has access to computer technology. Impossible? No, it is worth considering and praying for!!
We have another dream we call Active Internet Evangelism. The kind of Internet evangelism we are practicing now we would call Passive Internet Evangelism. We rely on the person’s interest to bring them to our web site. Then we present the Gospel. We would like to reverse that. Somehow we need to send out some “bait” to draw them to our web site for a Gospel presentation. We would like to concentrate this Internet “fishing” on Israel and other cities worldwide with large Jewish populations. Another “impossible” dream? Join us in prayer for this goal.
Currently, we are in a time of transition as we train Cynthia and James to make all the necessary adjustments to settle down into the new HaDavar. Please pray for us all as we go through the turbulent waters of change.
This article is the concluding article to a 4-month series asking the question, “Why are churches ignoring Jewish evangelism?” We want to conclude by answering a question one of the HaDavar students brought up, “In light of the fact that churches are ignoring Jewish evangelism, what practical action should I take today in order to obey Romans 1:16?”
That question can be answered in a number of ways.
- If a missionary is called to a particular non-Jewish people group, they should follow the procedure practiced by the Apostle Paul. In a similar way, Paul was called to preach to the Gentiles (Gal. 2:7-9). In spite of the fact that he was not called to the Jews, he still followed the procedure found in Romans 1:16. He went to the Jew first and then to the Gentiles. His obedience to Romans 1:16 can be seen by an overview of the book of Acts (Acts 13:2-5, 14, 46; 14:1; 16:11-13; 17:1-2, 10, 16-17; 18:1-4; 19:1 and 8; 28:16-17, 25-28). No matter where or what the situation, Paul, the Apostle to the Gentiles, always goes to the Jew first. Akin to that, if a missionary has been called to a particular people group, when he arrives he should design an outreach to the Jewish community in that part of the world. After implementing that program, or concurrently with that program, he should then reach out to the Gentile people group he has been called to.
- If a missionary finds that there is no Jewish community in his part of the world, he can obey Romans 1:16 by practicing indirect evangelism. Indirect evangelism would consist of supporting those who are called to reach the Jewish community.
The same principles would apply to churches or individuals. If they cannot directly be involved in Jewish evangelism, then they should indirectly be involved by supporting those who are.
Finally, in answer to the question “What can I do today?”, we would say:
- Do what you can to deliberately reach out to your Jewish friends, neighbors and co-workers.
- If you do not have any personal Jewish contacts, then deliberately choose to support a missionary or mission organization that does reach out to the Jewish community.
Thanks for being part of our ministry team.