This month seems to be the month for updates. It’s been a while since we’ve given you all news from our staff evangelist, Lynn. She recently returned from a trip to Israel—her first time! It has been wonderful hearing the stories of how God blessed her on that trip, and to hear how God continues to stoke the fires for evangelism in her heart. Having her with us at our book table at UCI is such a blessing. She truly has an amazing God-given gift that she uses for His glory. Here is one of her recent updates…
Shalom y’all:Lynn Cline
Last week I went to purchase a new iPhone with my son James. The sales person was shocked that I had an original phone …. he said that he had not seen one in years. I asked him if it was now of any value, since it was obviously prehistoric… sadly not!!! The process of buying the iPhone took about two hours, and the salesman helping us was a Jewish young man from Russia.
The conversation turned to spiritual things. Like many Jewish people, he knew little about the Bible. I spoke of the sacrificial system, Passover, Yeshua, and prophecy. He was very interested, and took Jewish tracts, being careful to hide them from the management. Please pray for his salvation. Hopefully, I will see him when I go in next time.
Please pray for an older Jewish lady I met while having a manicure in Lake Forest. She had lost two husbands, had an estranged son and had lost most of her money. She was very interested in Yeshua and was seeking him. She mentioned that she had met Christian people who were very different. I talked about Yeshua being the Messiah and having a personal relationship with Messiah. To make a long story short- she asked Yeshua into her heart and repented.
I decided to rip out some old landscaping from a large planter in my back garden. It was a good day’s hard work, but I really enjoyed it! I went to the nursery to get some plants and flowers for my “English Garden.” A young man helped me put the plants into the car. We got on the subject of spiritual things- to make a long story short he invited Jesus into his heart and repented!!
All the glory to our Lord for bringing these people into my path and working in their lives. Many others came along who were not mentioned here… the Lord knows who they are.
Many folks have been asking about how Bob & Susan are doing, and so we thought we would offer up an update on what they have been doing and how God is blessing them…
Pastor Bob represents HaDavar at “Israel: Against All Odds” conference…
Shalom to all our friends at HaDavar. We have now been in Johnson City, Oregon for a little over seven months. Johnson City is a manufactured home park that voted, in 1970, 49 to 10, to become incorporated as a city. Now the population is 675. Look us up on Wikipedia. The advantage of being a city is bulk rates on water and electricity, making our space rent the lowest in the area.Bob Morris
It has been a busy time. On the personal level, the changes seemed overwhelming at times. Retiring from full-time service back to volunteer status. Transferring from employment income to Social Security plus personal retirement income. Transferring from our Southern California medical plan to the Oregon Medical plan. Then there are driver’s tests and licenses, wills and trusts to make Oregon compliant, not to mention unpacking, organizing, home projects (like a new roof), etc. This is not even a quarter of the items we had to deal with. Everything takes so long to accomplish and is more complicated than expected. Whew, we are finally getting to the end of an amazingly long and time consuming to-do list.
Oregon is as beautiful as ever. We were reintroduced to real winter our first week back when we caught the edge of a Portland ice storm. That was a cold, slippery jolt! Since then the weather has done its Oregon thing, alternating between rain and sun. I like the variety! Spring has come early this year. With the spring, the leaves have returned to the trees along with Canada Geese, flowers, ducks, and varieties of birds, a rabbit and squirrels. The highlight for Susan and myself is when Mount Hood shines in all her snow laden glory (and Mount St. Helens too, but she lost her head awhile back).
On the ministry side of things, I have been busy producing video classes. I have finished up The First Regathering: Modern Israel. Currently, I am working on videos of the first 11 sessions of The Jewish Life of the Messiah. When I am finished, that class will be completely in video format on our website and on YouTube. Next, my plans are to upgrade the Minor Prophets to video format, followed by Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel and Jeremiah.
Susan and I have settled into Shepherd’s Gate church. Shepherd’s Gate is a new church plant. We have rented and remodeled a former stripper bar for our facility. The neighborhood and the local police are very glad we are in that building now. We number about 50 each Sunday morning. Susan and I are attending an evangelism class. I will be presenting a segment on Jewish evangelism as part of the class. In addition, we represented HaDavar in Seattle during May as the opening speaker for Chosen People Ministries “Israel: Against All Odds” conference. The leader of the conference was none other than our old friend and HaDavar instructor, Olivier Melnick. I taught on the subject of Israel’s Biblical claim to the Land of Israel.
As you can see, we have been busy. I am grateful that I can retire, stay active in ministry as a volunteer, be 10 minutes away from our daughter and her family, and do it all back home in Oregon. God is good. Thanks for your prayers on our behalf.
HaDavar, Oregon office
Thank you all for your faithful partnership in all we do to share the love of Messiah with a starving world. Please pray that God will raise up new partners to join with us in this important work.