Shalom Dear Friends,
We are thrilled to announce that our latest discipleship book, “Biblical Perspectives on the Middle East,” is now available from HaDavar or from To order the book from HaDavar, simply send us a fair market donation of $15.00 plus $2.50 for postage and handling and we will send you a copy right away.
If you would like to order the book from Amazon, simply go to and search for “biblical perspectives on the middle east morris.” If you like the book, please go back to and write a positive review. Reviews greatly encourage book sales; and remember every sale benefits HaDavar.
Let me share some excerpts from the preface that explain why we felt burdened to create the book.
“The following book contains a series of articles written by HaDavar Messianic Ministries Director, Pastor Bob Morris. These essays were written in response to current events surrounding the modern State of Israel. Because of the overabundance of teaching and opinions found in the Christian community regarding the modern State of Israel and end-time prophecies, enormous confusion was running unchecked.
At the heart of the problem causing this confusion is shallow exegesis of Biblical books and passages dealing with these very important and popular topics. Many of the positions publicly taught are not based on an in-depth, in-context, literal and conservative examination of Scripture, but rather on spectacular and sensational associations with newspaper headlines. In addition, very little attention is paid to the Jewish backgrounds in which the Scriptures were written.
This book is an attempt to end the confusion of shallow exegesis by presenting specific issues from a strong Biblical position, incorporating the Jewish perspective…
This book has been created to meet the immediate need of those interested in or concerned about events in the Middle East and how they relate to the Bible. It began as a single article in our newsletter. As events in the Middle East continued to mount, more and more concern and curiosity was voiced regarding them. In response, another newsletter article was written, then a third and so on. This led to this book being born and ballooning in size. This book, then, is a work-in-progress to answer present-day world events with respect to Biblical perspectives. It will continue to be updated, revised and expanded as time permits.”
Winding Down
July is here, and the HaDavar School of Biblical and Jewish Studies (SBJS) is winding down for the 2011-2012 academic year. Our summer break is short, since we only break during the month of August. Bob’s “The Jewish Life of the Messiah” class and Racheli’s “Intermediate Hebrew I” will break during August. Micah’s “Psalms in Song” will continue through August, since it is connected with Irvine Community Church. In September, we plan on gearing up for a full-load of classes. We are using a smaller classroom in the church office building and are planning to add a camera during the break so that we can post the classes presented in that classroom on YouTube as well.
While classes might not be in session, we are not “kicking back.” We have lots of preparation to do for the September resumption of school. Even now that preparation is well underway. Please pray for our planning process. Classes have to be determined and finalized, promotional material written and produced, and class material prepared.
Big Praise
Last month, we asked for your prayers regarding our beat-up and falling apart laptop computer. The LORD has answered with a great big “YES.” The funds needed to replace the computer have been provided. Thanks for praying, and thank you LORD!
HaDavar Messianic Ministries Information Box“Seychel” means common sense, wisdom, or sharp thinking. When you are witnessing to a Jewish person, you must be sensitive to the fact that you are involved in a cross-cultural ministry. During the upcoming months, we will be sharing some cross-cultural bloopers to avoid. Please do not be intimidated by this information. Just keep it in mind as you witness. The more religiously observant the Jewish person is, the more these items apply; the less religiously observant the Jewish person is, the less they apply. Go for it! TERMINOLOGY: Using appropriate terminology will do much to facilitate communication and bring down barriers of misunderstanding between you and your Jewish friend. |
Instead of saying: | Use: |
Christian (as a description) | Messianic, Biblical, or Scriptural |
Christian (as identification) | Messianic, Believer in Yeshua |
Christ (Anglicized Greek) | Mashiah (Hebrew), Messiah (Anglicized Hebrew) |
Church | Congregation |
Jesus (Anglicized Greek) | Yeshua (Hebrew) |
“Died for my sins” | Atoned for my sins” |
Holy Spirit/Ghost | Spirit of God, Ruach HaKodesh (Hebrew) |
Trinity | Compound unity, Triunity, Triune nature |
Gospel (Old English) | Good News |
Easter | Resurrection Day |
Christmas | Messiah’s Birth |
New Testament | New Covenant, Brit Chadashah (Hebrew) |
Old Testament | Tenach, Hebrew Scriptures, Bible |
Baptism (Anglicized Greek) | Immersion, Tevilah (Hebrew) |
Cross | Tree |
Convert/conversion | Turning, completion, repentance |
Second coming of Christ | Return of the Messiah |
Thanks for being part of our ministry team.