Final HaDavar

To our beloved HaDavarniks:

At the end of last year the elders of Irvine Community Church (ICC) let supporters know that in the absence of a director, ICC would be drawing this season of HaDavar’s ministry to a close and focusing on the internet as the primary means of outreach. As we approach the end of the year, we want to share our gratitude to you as well as communicate our plans for HaDavar.

It has been a tremendous joy to see the Lord using HaDavar as an instrument to equip believers to understand and share their faith, especially with their Jewish friends and family. It’s a testament to the faithfulness of our God that this ministry has borne so much fruit and we are thankful for every student, every teacher, every supporter, and every volunteer who has been a part of the Hadavar family over the years. We trust that the Lord will continue to be faithful to complete the work He has begun in you (Philippians 1:6), and we consider it a privilege to have been a part of God’s sovereign plan for your growth in Christ-likeness.

As we try to steward the resources of HaDavar we want to assure you that the funds you have faithfully given until this year will be used to support ministries that honor the mission and goal of HaDavar: teaching the Bible from the original, Jewish perspective.

The reserves will initially be used in three ways:
1) To continue supplying and distributing HaDavar resources locally and via mail,
2) To fund additional classes and materials as needed, e.g., Bob Morris’ YouTube classes in Isaiah,
3) To overhaul the website so that the website and YouTube channel can continue to serve the global body of Christ.

The elders believe HaDavar can continue to operate with very minimal support, please do not feel you need to donate extra funds this year or in the future in order for HaDavar to transition to its new status. ICC remains committed to continuing the mission of HaDavar regardless of support level. With that in mind, please note that after December 31, 2018, any further support given to HaDavar will enter the general fund of ICC and be used at the discretion of the church in support of all of its ministries, and not only HaDavar.

As the church hosting and promoting this ministry, we have been profoundly impacted by Bob Morris’ vision for Jewish outreach and solid, biblically-based training from the Word of God. For those who would like to continue to study the Scriptures with our church, beginning January 15 we will be offering a study on 1 and 2 Samuel “The Rise and Fall of the First Kings of Israel” on Tuesday nights at 7PM. We pray that those who attend will continue to be blessed by this study on the first Jewish kings, Saul and David.

We look forward to the opportunities the Lord has in store for our church body as we continue to proclaim the Gospel and make disciples of Jews and Gentiles. May we all be found faithful until the Messiah returns to establish His Kingdom!

Grace and peace,
The elders of Irvine Community Church

PS For those of you who would like to continue supporting our HaDavar missionary Josh Takahashi, please consider reaching out to him at for more information.