February 2012

Shalom Dear Friends,



“Comfort” Now Available
NO, we have not replaced the Holy Spirit’s ministry of comfort around here (John 14:26 KJV). Our title simply states the fact that HaDavar’s latest book, Comfort During Difficult Times, mentioned in our November Newsletter, is now available. “Comfort” consists of six psalms written by King David when he went through difficult times. We are going through difficult times these days, just like David did. We need to be a people “after God’s own heart,” like David was. An understanding of these psalms contributes to that end. David was a man just like you and me. If he can be a man after God’s own heart, then we can too. You can order this book from HaDavar for a suggested donation of $10.00.

Additional Books

Additional books by HaDavar’s Director, Pastor Bob Morris, are available as well. Anti-Missionary Arguments is designed to help you combat the anti-missionary movement that is growing in the Jewish community today. It is composed of e-mail discussions Bob had with an anti-missionary that was upset because his daughter had come to faith in Yeshua. It is available for a suggested donation of $10.00.

Messiah and the Tabernacle (JHouse Publishing) is an in-depth look at the Tabernacle in the wilderness found in chapters 2530 of the book of Exodus. It expressly brings out the Messianic message of the Tabernacle with practical applications for those of us living in the 21st Century. It is available for a suggested donation of $15.00.


In production is Bob’s latest book, Biblical Perspectives on the Middle East (preliminary cover left). We hope to have it available in the near future. Please pray for the completion of the book to be soon.




Romanization is our term for the doctrine taught in Daniel 7:23 that the fourth and final empire of the Times of the Gentiles, Roman Imperialism/Republicanism, will be the only Gentile empire to dominate the entire world (see July, 2011 newsletter). It dominates the world through its unique form of government, Imperialism and Republicanism. Imperialism is the policy of extending a nation’s authority by a) territorial acquisition or b) by the establishment of economic and political leadership over other nations. Rome uses both of these techniques. Republicanism is government by majority rule with the inclusion of individual rights. Rome’s emphasis on human rights will eventually lead to anarchy and chaos as every segment of society clambers for its rights.

We bring this up because of two articles that reveal the Fourth Kingdom, the Final Kingdom, is on the march to world domination. In our July 2011 article we emphasized that Romanization is the Divine dynamic behind the “Arab Spring.” The excerpts we are about to share with you reveals that Rome, the Fourth Kingdom, is starting to dominate China as well.

Hu: Hostile forces seek to westernize, split China

By Gillian Wong | Associated Press – Tue, Jan 3, 2012

Beijing (AP) — Chinese President Hu Jintao has told Communist Party members that hostile forces abroad are trying to westernize and divide the country with their cultural influence and that officials must remain vigilant against such efforts. …”We must clearly see that international hostile forces are intensifying the strategic plot of westernizing and dividing China, and ideological and cultural fields are the focal areas of their long-term infiltration,” Hu said. … Hu’s remarks are part of the Communist Party’s broader push to reinforce socialist principles in an attempt to counter calls by liberal Chinese for “universal values” such as freedom of expression, which state media often portray as Western concepts unsuited to China’s unique circumstances.

With Daniel 7:23 as the background, what this is saying between the lines, is that Romanization is being felt. The Final Kingdom, a Western Kingdom, is challenging the Chinese Communist’s economic and political leadership. In addition, the Chinese people are beginning to demand individual human rights so dear to Rome. The Final Kingdom is being felt.

The scary part of all this is found in the title of the second article we mentioned earlier: “Is Another Holocaust Coming?”

Is Another Holocaust Coming?

Bill Narvey – Israpundit, December 30th, 2011

What? Another Holocaust could be just around the bend?

Renowned conservative pundit, Mark Steyn sure seems to think so.

The scary part lies in the fact that Mark Steyn is correct. Eventually (soon?), Rome will dominate the world with a one-world government. That system will break down into a 10 division worldwide government. Out of the 10 division worldwide government, the Antichrist will emerge. The Antichrist will sign a seven year covenant with Israel. He will break that covenant at the three and one-half year point and begin exactly what Mark Steyn fears: another Holocaust (Zech. 13:8-9).

In this article Bill Narvey summarizes the alarming increase in Jew-hatred around the world: European religious, institutional, media and political leaders; most non-Muslim 3rd world countries; China; Russia; and finally the non-religious secular left wing, so numerous in Western nations.

Zechariah 12:1-3 and 14:2 are rapidly materializing. Now is the time to “pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6) and to reach out with the Gospel “to the Jew first… (Romans 1:16).” Maranatha—Our Lord, come (Romans 11:26-27).

Thanks for being part of our ministry team.