December 2017

Shalom HaDavarniks,

As the year draws to a close the staff at Irvine Community Church and HaDavar Messianic Ministries would like to share an important announcement to the supporters of HaDavar regarding the future of the ministry.

Firstly, we want to thank the many faithful supporters who have upheld this ministry with their prayers and financial support; the Lord has used you to impact countless Jews and Gentiles all over the world. Our gratitude to you overflows to the glory of God and we trust that He will greatly reward those who have sacrificially given of their earthly time and treasure to send the message of Yeshua to the uttermost parts of the world. We are thankful to the Lord for each of you.

Secondly, we want to let you know that we have made the decision not to pursue a full- or part-time director. Instead, we will focus on providing more quality Bible-teaching for the website and YouTube page. We are also pleased to let you know that our founder, Bob Morris, will resume recording classes that will be uploaded to the internet. Additionally, we plan to continue our on-site classes at Irvine Community Church. We hope we can continue to encourage the body of Christ and share the Gospel with unbelievers through those means.

Lastly, we want to inform you of our financial needs in this new phase of the ministry. The current level of giving has been consistent with our expenses without a director and we do not expect the 2018 budget to change significantly except for adding some additional spending on website improvements. All money that has and will be donated to HaDavar will continue to be prioritized for supporting the website, the on-site classes, the video uploads, outreach, and the part-time administrative assistant. We appreciate your continued giving as we sustain the ministry.

We believe that HaDavar offers some of the best resources on the internet for proclaiming the Messiahship of Yeshua and the truth of His Word and we could not have accomplished that without your love for the Lord and the work of the Holy Spirit in your lives. We are blessed to be co-laborers with you in the Father’s vineyard and look forward to sharing the Good News until Yeshua HaMashiach returns!

Grace and peace,
ICC & HaDavar