As we enter this Passover season, and approach the celebration of our own HaDavar Seder (April 7th), let’s take a look again at what makes the Passover such a rich time of remembrance.
Passover begins on the 14th day of the Jewish month of Nisan (April 3, 2015). The primary observances of Passover are related to the Exodus from Egypt after generations of slavery. The command to observe Passover continuously is found in Exodus 12:14. “Now this day will be a memorial to you, and you shall celebrate it as a feast to the Lord; throughout your generations you are to celebrate it as a permanent ordinance.”
In the first Passover, God commanded each Hebrew household in Egypt to sacrifice a perfect yearling lamb and sprinkle the blood on the lintels and the doorposts. The LORD then passed over the houses which were protected by the blood of the lamb, but where there was no blood, the first born was slain. This account is found in Exodus 11-12.
Modern Passover observances include the removal of chametz (leaven) from the homes. This commemorates the fact that the Jews leaving Egypt did not have time to let their bread rise. Leaven is also a biblical symbol for sin. Consequently, Matzo or unleavened bread is eaten during the feast.
Another significant element in the Passover observance is the five cups of wine. Each cup recalls one of the five statements of deliverance found in the Passover account (Ex. 6:6-8). 1) “I will bring you out …” 2) “I will rid you of all their bondage.” 3) “I will redeem you …” 4) “I will take you to me for a people, …” 5) “I will bring you into the Land …” Consequently, four toasts are offered to God thanking Him for His deliverance. The four toasts are all named: 1) the Cup of Thanksgiving 2) the Cup of Plagues 3) the Cup of Redemption 4) the Cup of Praise. Offering the fifth cup awaits the appearance of Elijah the Prophet to precede the coming of the Messiah.
The traditional Jewish Passover observance is highly significant for those who believe in the Messiahship of Yeshua (Jesus). Yeshua observed the traditional order of the Passover (the Seder) during the meal commonly known as the Last Supper (Matt. 26:17-29). The Last Supper was a traditional, orthodox Passover Seder. The person and work of Yeshua are portrayed throughout the Seder in symbolic form.
The most significant ceremony found in the Seder is the origin of the ordinance of Communion.
During the Last Supper, His last Passover Seder, Yeshua exercised Messianic authority by transforming a ceremony that was culture bound to Israel and turning it into a ceremony that, today, is celebrated by believers from every tongue and tribe and people and nation. During the Passover Seder He came to the third toast of thanksgiving offered to God. The third cup is associated with the third “I will” statement found in the Exodus story; “I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and great judgments.” Traditionally, the Third Cup is raised to thank God for physical redemption from slavery in Egypt. Instead, Yeshua transforms the Third Cup into a symbol of spiritual redemption from slavery to sin. He associates the cup with the New Covenant of Jeremiah 31:31-34. The essence of the New Covenant is spiritual redemption from sin. His actions and words are recorded in Luke 22:20, “And in the same way He took the cup after they had eaten, saying, ‘This cup which is poured out for you is the new covenant in My blood.’” The Cup of the Redemption now becomes the Cup of Communion we all enjoy today.
In like manner He transformed the symbolism of the Unleavened Bread (Matzo). During the Seder He specifically identified the Matzo with His body. The Matzo is an adequate symbol of the body of the Messiah for five reasons. 1) It is made without leaven which is a symbol of sin. Likewise, Yeshua was sinless. 2) It is made without salt. A rich man could afford to flavor his matzo with salt but a poor man could not. In the same manner, Yeshua was a poor carpenter. 3) The matzo is striped from hot, swift baking. Likewise, His body was striped by means of the Roman whip. 4) The matzo is pierced to prevent rising. Similarly, His body was pierced by the Roman nails in His hands and feet and the Roman spear thrust in his side. 5) Finally, during the Seder the matzo is broken. This action dramatizes His death on the cross when He was broken for you and me. Yeshua exercised Messianic authority by transforming a ceremony that is culture bound to Israel and turning it into an ordinance all believers can embrace. Believers from every family, tribe, tongue, and nation celebrate the eating of the matzo today.
Observing the origin of the ordinance of Communion and contemplating its meaning is surely a good reason for believers today to celebrate the Festival of Passover.
Two other Passover observances include looking for Elijah and the breaking of the matzah.
According to the Bible, Elijah, one of the great Jewish prophets never died but was carried off to heaven in a fiery chariot. Scripture identifies Elijah as the forerunner of the Messiah. Tradition states the Elijah will return from heaven on the night of Passover to precede the coming of the Messiah (Malachi 4:5). In the course of the Seder meal, a seat is provided at the table for the prophet. A cup of wine is poured for Elijah and the front door is opened as a symbolic gesture of welcoming the prophet.
Matzah is the Hebrew word for unleavened bread (plural – matzot). It is a thin, wafer-like bread which is made from a mixture of flour and water. Because it does not contain yeast, it can be baked quickly. According to the Scriptures, the Hebrews took matzo with them when they fled from Egypt because they did not have time to wait for the bread to rise. To commemorate this, matzah is eaten on the first night of Passover. There are three matzot on the Seder table. They are placed in a central position near the Seder plate. The ceremony known as the “breaking of the middle matzah” contains great spiritual significance that is hidden from the Jewish community today due to the rejection of the Messiahship of Yeshua.
To read more about the Biblical observance as well as the modern observance of the Passover, visit our Passover (Feast of Unleavened Bread) page.
Our own HaDavar Messianic Passover Seder
Please consider joining us as we celebrate Passover on April 7th. This year it will be held on one night only. Learn about the Jewish roots of the Last Supper and discover the origins and significance of communion from the perspective of a Jewish believer. Experience Passover like Jesus did. Space is limited and seats are going fast–so sign up early.
To register and for more information contact Jaimi Kingsbury at 949.559.1701 or at
New Jesus Apologetics Series
Join us as Jeremy Livermore teaches a 6-week “Jesus Apologetics” series beginning Thursday April 9th, where we will investigate the evidence regarding who Jesus really is. You will leave feeling confident that Jesus not only existed, but was actually the Son of God, who rose again from the dead.
We wanted to bring to your attention an opportunity to go through Bob Morris’ class on Isaiah. Carol Andrews is putting together a couple of ways to accomplish this. First, she will facilitate a 5 week group study using the CDs of the beginning of the Isaiah study on Thursday mornings starting mid-April on the campus of Irvine Community Church. And secondly, for those who are out of the area and who might want to spend a get-away study week in sunny southern California, there will be a 5-day (M-F) exploration of Isaiah 1-6 to be held at Laguna Woods, CA, May 18-22. Please contact Carol for more info: