Thursday mornings, beginning February 4, 2016


Many people see the book of Job as merely a book about suffering. Job deals with suffering but raises other challenging aspects of human life and the nature of God.

Of special interest is the “problem of evil” and how it can be that a sovereign, loving God would allow evil and suffering to exist. Is there a balance between God’s love and His sovereignty, or are the two mutually exclusive? Does God actually care for His creation? Is there a purpose behind everything God does?

We will unpack some key issues as to the fairness of God, proper conduct in human relationships, social justice, protection of the helpless, and God’s attitude toward care of the cosmos and every living being that resides in it.

The daily headlines today are filled with stories of pain, suffering, death, and evil. Every human being experiences these to one degree or another. We want to understand how to better deal with such difficulties so that when our times of testing arrive, we may be better prepared.

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Job – Session 4

  • pdficon_largeSession 4 Class Notes (PDF format)
  • Regrettably, due to technical issues, no video is available for this session.

    Job – Session 10

    The notes from session 9 will carry over to this session of the class.