Our rapidly changing world echoes the groundbreaking events of the last few centuries in academic philosophy. How our global culture thinks now is a reflection of the previous generation’s thought experiments, immigration, and technological advances. Our current ‘flattened world’ is fascinatingly complex and highly interactive.

Individually, we are influenced by this emerging global secular worldview and encounter a variety of worldviews on a daily basis. How are we to think about these worldviews and the philosophy that empowers them?

In this class, we will examine Skepticism, Secular Humanism, Naturalism, Nihilism, Pragmatism, Secular Existentialism, Postmodernism, Relativism, and Pluralism.

We will explore the foundational inconsistencies, contradictions, and failures of each of these worldviews. Overall, we will learn how to show our non-Christian friends the underlying problems with a secular worldview. This enables us to present the firm foundation to truth, the essence of God himself.

The class is meant for both the Christian and non-Christian who hopes to deepen his understanding of why and how Christians believe the things they do. Apologetics is the study of how and why the Christian faith is grounded in truth— through reason and evidence, which bring down the walls of unbelief, skepticism, and uncertainty. Apologetics allows one to have direct access to Jesus by removing intellectual barriers we have installed so we can see Jesus face to face.

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Worldview Apologetics – Session 11

With Guest Lecturers Jacob Daniel and Harry Edwards